Benefits of Sunglasses to Prevent Eye Disease

Many people think that the benefits of sunglasses are just to support their appearance. In fact, sunglasses have such great benefits, namely protecting the eyes from the dangers of the sun and preventing eye diseases.

Eyes are one of the five senses that play an important role in daily activities. Therefore, their health needs to be maintained, especially from various things that can cause vision problems and one of them is sun exposure.

Morning sun is good for health. However, it is different during the day. The sun’s rays at midday can emit stronger ultraviolet radiation, precisely at 10 am to 4 pm.

UV radiation can harm eye health. Well, one form of protection against the dangers of this light is to use sunglasses.

As previously explained, sunglasses play an important role in preventing eye diseases caused by sun exposure. There are several types of eye diseases that can be … Read the rest